Healing global self harm
The old story about quick fix, short term results, profit and shallow competition doesn’t work for us any longer. Our old mindset has already caused too much global self harm. It is time to include more depth into our understanding of wellbeing and to heal ourselves as well as the planet. It is time to rewrite the story of wellbeing to include all that really matters to us.This program will help structuring our journey back to healing and harmony for us as individuals, society and planet. It is based upon three main pillars: GNH, Theory U and the 12 steps version for sustainable global wellbeing. It is a 14 months commitment, so that we may support each other to make a deeper shift.
GNH, or Gross National Happiness, is a great example of this kind of vision of for profound wellbeing for individuals as well as society and planet. This model is an alternative to Gross National Product, including also non-economical aspects in the notion of wellbeing for a country. It emerged in the 1970s in Bhutan, where the whole country is now governed by this model of nine metrics that are to be balanced. In every decision, these metrics are weighed against each other to create balance and wisdom that lasts for many generations. The nine dimensions are:
Standard of living
Education / development
Ecological resilience
Cultural diversity
Time use
Inner well-being
Participation in society
Good governance and leadership
Similar models emerge more and more worldwide. In Sweden we have also created a version of this kind, called GNH Sweden, with the interpretation Global Natural Harmony. A kind of compass for healing.
Theory U
The profound change we need is part of a global mind shift that is already under way. No matter how we behave as individuals, we cannot prevent change. It happens in a way no matter what we do. What we can change, however, is how the change will be for us, how well we can live with each other, ourselves and nature. We can take an active part in our own and others’ well-being. We can contribute to a good transformation.
Theory U is a model that helps us with transformation and adjustment, so that it becomes a deeper and more honest process. Instead of maintaining the old way of thinking, being and acting, or just going straight from the old to the new, we can be inspired to make the necessary journey in depth, through mind, heart and will to really sound in depth. the old die – and the new is born.
With the help of this method, we can develop dialogues that not only change on a horizontal level, but also develop vertically, so that completely new patterns and understandings of reality can emerge.
12 steps
The twelve steps and traditions are, in the current form, mainly about the individual need to recover from diverse self destructive behavior patterns. We need to include this, but also transcend it, if we wish to address also society and planet as a whole. In this course we have therefore expanded the understanding of the steps, so that they become relevant to us all and to our global Self-harm behavior. It has also been widened to the collective and global perspectives of recovery and need for system change, not only the individual transformation. This revision is made in dialogue with the Property Administration of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. and is allowed as long as we also teach about the twelve steps in the original form, which we do below and within the process of the course.
We seem to need all the skills that we have access to and that may contribute to our healing on all levels. Using the experiences from the twelve steps will be one of our tools to work with our inner shadows and resistance patterns that interferes with our process of healing.
Balance means so much more than being able to stand on one leg. It is also about overview. A mindset that can handle complexity. Being aware of many dimensions at the same time. Creating the wellbeing story of tomorrow, while being present here and now.



Yes, we love you! In case you were wondering. We do love you already, just for being responsible, enthusiastic or curious enough to read even this little text. Let us get in contact, so that we may love you even more!
Who we are
We’re working to add more information on our website. It’s still work in progress. Do contact us!
Write to us at info (@) gnhsweden.com!